Service Times
Greetings, worshipers! As our church is entirely Internet-based, we have no specified worship times because our services run 24/7. God never sleeps, so why should we?
Our pastoral staff are available for these special rites by appointment only. It needs to be noted that one of our church's specialties is the exorcism of compulsive liars - unfortunately, we've had no success with the process to date (perhaps that's why they are called "perpetual liars") but at least we try! We ask for our congregation to pray for these liars' souls as they are all destined to rot in Hell - unless, of course, God reveals to us His plan for their salvation. At the moment, such liars are considered to be a lost cause.
Worship serves as one of our best crowd pleasers! With that in mind, as you are now in the midst of our Internet Sanctuary and you are blessed to be in His Holy Temple at this very moment, we ask that you Praise the Lord! Regardless of your current life situation, we ask that you lift up your hands and shout Hallelujah!